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Make and share this Vanilla Bean Cheesecake for Two with your favorite dessert lover!

There’s something special about making a dessert for two. Maybe it’s as simple as the intention behind it, that you’re making something to share with someone special office rental admiralty.

Quinn and I are both big fans of cheesecake, so I thought it only appropriate that I find a way to scale down cheesecake for us to share. This Vanilla Bean Cheesecake for Two does just that with a simple cheesecake with wonderful flavor.

I must admit that getting this one just right took me a little longer than I would have liked. Previous versions of this little cheesecake were tasty but with some tiny issue or another that kept me going back to the kitchen to try again. It all worked quite well in the end, and I learned a thing or two that I can pass along to you Study in Asia!

There are a couple of key things to keep in mind when you’re making this cheesecake. First of all, make sure your pan is the correct size. The batter fills it fairly full, so any change in pan size will definitely make a difference with how it rises and bakes. I have linked below to the set of small springform pans I have, although I’m on the hunt for lighter colored versions.

Another thing to take care to do well is greasing the pan. If your cheesecake sticks to the sides of the pan, then it may crack as it cools. As usual, I use a cooking spray with flour for the pan. But after the initial baking of the crust, the spray may need to be reapplied. If you spray it onto a paper towel, you can reapply it to the sides before adding the filling. You’ll see that the cheesecake deflates a little and pulls away from the sides as it cools. If you’ve taken care to keep it from sticking, then it should turn out beautifully Serviced apartments.

I like to top this cheesecake with sweetened whipped cream. From there, you can add whatever topping you’d like. Keep it simple with fruit, sprinkles, toffee bits, chocolate shavings, or anything else that strikes your fancy. I opted to add a pretty, fruity twist to the cheesecake you see here. Simply add a few little dollops of strawberry preserves and swirl into the whipped cream. I keep toothpicks on hand for testing doneness, and I find that one of those picks works really well for making the swirl.

We thoroughly enjoy this Vanilla Bean Cheesecake for Two. It’s just the perfect dessert to end a special meal for you and your favorite dessert lover. And with how simple it is to make, I think you’ll find it to be a go-to dessert for those special occasions for two!

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