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If you love oatmeal cookies, then you’re in the right place! These are some of the best and most popular oatmeal cookie recipes I’ve ever shared with you.

As evidenced by the dozens and dozens of cookie recipes here on BoB, I am a big, big fan of cookies. I think it’s fair to say that they’re my favorite thing to bake. I love all kinds of cookies, but oatmeal cookies are one of my favorites dental clinic.

Adding oats to cookies creates a chewy texture and a more hearty feel. Plus, they add a little bit of a nutty flavor that helps makes them irresistible.

I’ve made many a batch of oatmeal cookies over the years, and I’ve put together a whole bunch of my most popular recipes in this one spot. I hope you’ll find just the cookie to satisfy your oatmeal cookie craving laser facial!

Before we get to the recipes, let’s talk about the oats themselves. I often get asked about old-fashioned rolled oats versus quick oats in cookies. The short answer is that they are usually interchangeable.

The longer answer is that there will be some differences in your finished cookies. Quick oats are processed into smaller pieces. They also don’t provide quite the same chewiness as traditional rolled oats. You’ll usually get a thinner cookie uche lihkg, too.

In most cookies, I prefer the texture of rolled oats. You’ll find that most of these oatmeal cookie recipes will favor those over the quick variety. That being said, you aren’t likely to ruin a cookie by using one type versus the other. Just know that you are very likely to get a different outcome, at least with the texture and shape.

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