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[生活] 隱藏版星巴克MENU?你絕對沒喝過的8種星口味....



當你排著隊默數那些你熟悉的咖啡名字的時候,突然聽到前面的人迸出一個你聽也沒聽過的「Zebra Mocha」,你是不是也會猛然抬起頭,好奇究竟是人家來錯了地兒還是自己聽岔了名兒。

這事在亞洲可能還沒這麼風行。但在美國,私房菜單(Secret Menu)眾人皆知的秘密。不止星巴克,Subway、Wendy』s、Taco Bell、Chipotle等等餐廳都有它們的秘密菜單,而最出名的,可能當屬在美國熱翻天、前段時間來新加坡在5分鐘內300個漢堡被搶購一空的In-N-Out。


1. Green Eye
滴漏式咖啡(drip brew coffee)中加上一份濃縮咖啡(1 shot of espresso)叫Red Eye,加兩份叫Black Eye,一般人喝的就這些。如果你喜歡特特特濃的,比Black Eye還濃的怎麼辦?告訴店員extra 3 shots?其實它還有個名字叫Green Eye,有些地方叫Blue Eye,或者Triple Death。是不是這樣的咖啡量下去,會讓人興奮到眼冒綠光呢~

A Red Eye or Black Eye, sure — that's one and two extra shots of espresso in a regular drip, respectively. But those that go for green get a sure-to-jack-you-up three shots of espresso boost to their cup of coffee.

2. Dirty Chai & Double Dirty
Chai Latte是一種印度風味特色拿鐵,主要有4種材料組成:紅茶、牛奶、多種香料以及糖或蜂蜜。如果你要在裡面加一份濃縮咖啡,它就成了Dirty Chai;如果加兩份,那就是Double Dirty——頗有一種咖啡打擾了茶的意思。

A chai latte (hot or iced) with a shot of espresso added in. And if you want two shots? That's called a "Double Dirty" or "Extra Dirty" Chai.

3. Zebra Mocha
斑馬摩卡,它有時候也叫企鵝摩卡(Penguin Mocha),Black Tux,或者大理石摩卡(Marble Mocha)。它是一般的摩卡加上白巧克力摩卡,黑白相間,所以才叫斑馬?

Sometimes also called a "Penguin Mocha," this drink combines the white chocolate mocha with the regular mocha for those who can't pick a favorite. Or, if you really want to take it to the next level, ask to have raspberry flavoring added for something called the "Red Tux" Mocha.

4. Captain Crunch/Crunch Berry Frappuccino
Captain Crunch不是國外有名的那個早餐麥片,而是星巴克常規飲品Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino加上榛子糖漿(hazelnut syrup)。

No, this doesn't involve bringing the childhood-favorite cereal into the store and asking them to blend it in a frappe. Still, fans say that the combination of hazelnut syrup (though some folks contend it should be toffee nut) in a Strawberries and Creme Frappuccino is a dead ringer for the flavor of the cereal.

5. French Press
據說,如果你要求,星巴克可以用它們的法式濾壓壺(French Press,如上圖)為你調制任何咖啡。用法式濾壓壺的好處是可以保留咖啡豆的油脂(crema),缺點是沖出來的咖啡可能會比較渾濁,味道也可能不夠espresso濃。

Apparently if you ask, Starbucks will brew any of the coffee they sell in a French Press.

6.Chocolate Dalmatian
白巧克力摩卡+java chips+chocolate chips,其實java chip和chocolate chip都是巧克力做的,不是很確定它們的區別在哪裡呢~只知道這杯東西一定很巧克力。

A White Chocolate Mocha with java chips and chocolate chips sprinkled in.

7. Triple C』s
Triple C』s的名字聽著就是重量級,看一看它的成分,也確確實實把甜飲發展到極致。Cinnamon Dolce Latte是肉桂、黃油、黃糖加濃縮咖啡,Triple C』s在那之上再加焦糖糖漿和巧克力糖漿,各種甜膩。

And the award for best alliteration in a Starbucks drink name goes to the Three C's: Cinnamon Dolce Latte with caramel syrup and chocolate mocha syrup.

8. Biscotti Frappuccino

This off-the-menu item sounds a little like a Starbucks version of a DQ Blizzard or a McFlurry, except you have to have to buy a package of biscotti cookies separately and ask your barista to blend them into your Frappe.

Note: There seems to be some contention online as to whether or not baristas are actually allowed to put biscotti in the blender, so maybe only ask someone you know is willing to do you a favor.


寡婦製造者(Widow Maker):一半是冰紅茶,一半是冰黑咖啡。

Snickers Frappuccino:已經夠濃郁的Java Chip Frappuccino加太妃果(toffee nut)再淋上焦糖,要制造的是snicker的效果吧,甜膩度堪比Triple C』s。

蚱蜢星冰樂(Grasshopper Frappuccino):摩卡frappuccino加java chips和薄荷糖漿。

The Dirty Hippy:樓上那個Dirty Chai把牛奶換成豆奶,就成嬉皮士了。

Banana Cream Pie Frappuccino:白白的Vanilla Bean Creme Frappuccino加香草和榛子糖漿、奶油和……一整根香蕉!



延伸閱讀: 星巴克心理測驗-讓你從咖啡測出性格


感謝小編 :)  發表於 2014-3-19 14:21
幫修改"蚱蜢"~XD  發表於 2014-3-19 12:43
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