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This easy strawberry cobbler recipe is made with fresh strawberries and buttery biscuits made completely from scratch Scholarships in hong kong.

I was never much of a fan of cobblers until well into my adult years. Had I fully appreciated that they are a celebration of sweet fruit and biscuits, I feel sure I would have embraced them far sooner. Now, I just try to make up for lost cobbler time by making them as often as possible Sophos.

One of my cobbler obsessions is this simple Strawberry Cobbler that features a quick and easy filling topped with soft, sweet cream cheese biscuits. That simplicity and the amazing flavor make this one of my favorite strawberry recipes kindergarten!

Of course, strawberries and lemons are BFFs, so I couldn’t resist adding a good bit of lemon to this cobbler. There’s lemon juice in the filling, as well as lemon zest in the topping. That double dose is just the thing to make this dessert really outstanding.

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