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This German Chocolate Cake with Coconut-Pecan Sauce is like a snack cake version of the classic recipe! A dense chocolate cake is topped with a rich, creamy vanilla-scented sauce full of coconut and pecans.

This German Chocolate Cake with Coconut-Pecan Sauce veers a bit off the path of the classic layer cake by skipping the frosting in favor of a simple sauce with similar flavors.

Now, you may ask yourself why you’d want to do that. Well, first, not everyone likes coconut! If you’re making this dessert for a crowd, it allows the coconut haters to forego the coconut. Second, it’s a much easier cake to make without the frosting and layering; it’s more like a snack cake or sheet cake.

This cake is a little denser than most German Chocolate Cakes, which means that the warm, coconut-infused sauce soaks in and softens the cake a bit. Needless to say, this is absolutely divine. If you want an option for guests who aren’t coconut fans, you can get the same effect with warm dulce de leche or salted caramel sauce.

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