Permanent anti-static ABS anti static additives : The biaxially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film with the mechanism of permanent anti-static masterbatch is a crystalline product obtained by adding appropriate functional additives to polypropylene proprietary material after biaxial stretching process.
Because polypropylene is a typical non-polar polymer material, its water absorption is extremely poor, and the electric charge generated on the surface is difficult to dissipate after being rubbed, making it very electrostatic. An antistatic agent needs to be added in order to eliminate the charge generated on the film surface. Antistatic masterbatch is a bipolar substance, which can migrate to the surface of the film, absorb moisture in the air, form a conductive layer, and dissipate the accumulated charge in time, so that it has the ability to control the charging.
Generally, the ability of permanent antistatic masterbatch to eliminate static electricity is measured by the time that the charge accumulated on the surface of the BOPP film decays to half the value, that is, the electrostatic half-life value.