
tittot品牌--來自中文「剔透」的發音。以「開闊、深遠、真誠 、極致、喜悅」,打開華人的玻璃世界,讓世界發出「剔透」的美好讚歎! 來自台灣的tittot琉園,以47道精緻手工打造的「脫蠟鑄造」技法,讓東方玻璃有了精緻、創意的現代風貌,也引發兩岸三地的玻璃藝術創作熱潮。 在台灣、上海、北京、香港、馬來西亞等國家地區80多個服務據點,皆可看到tittot琉園的光影之美;tittot 琉園用文化的自信,打造創新價值,亦屢獲國際展覽大獎,進入世界級博物館的藝術殿堂永久典藏 。

tittot is derived from the Chinese pronunciation "Ti Tou"
Through ideals of "Open Up, Far and Beyond, Honesty, Ultimate and Joy". tittot has opened up the world of crystal glass for Chinese culture, and the world's praise for the splendor of tittot !
tittot has adopted the 47 intricate steps of the de-waxing Casting technique(Pâte-de-verre), to create the contemporary modern style of glass art; tittot's beauty is seen in more than 80 stores around the world, including Taiwan, Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia etc. tittot has created brand new values with its self confidence in culture; it has received numerous international exhibition awards, and collected by worldwide museums.





單位網站: http://www.tittot.com/about_us.jsp

聯絡電話:(0800)  888966

地址: 永和區成功路一段80號22樓