



我們也將在MayJam前一天 (5/3星期五晚上辦一場彩排派對, 希望大家能共襄盛舉, 一起來參加, 無論是要露營烤肉或入住虎頭埤內的活動中心或是要坐船遊湖或在滑水道玩水, 風景區裡面的設備皆適合全家大小或朋友一伙前來



虎頭埤風景區是台灣第一座水庫, 並且擁有全台唯一的電動太陽能船, 如果買MayJam預售票的觀眾可以在風景區入口處憑票免費進入


我們很抱歉今年為了提供更好的場地及音樂會品質, 實在是不得已調高門票價格, 但好消息是如果今年MayJam辦得很成功, 我們可以期待不久的將來會有國家公園MayJam的演出! 也希望大家繼續支持MayJam!!

今年報名MayJam的樂團也請注意, 所有報名的樂團都有機會被選為七月的馬沙溝音樂海灘派對來演出, 請常來我們網站逛逛www.mayjam.com,下周起會有更多的詳細資訊, 敬請期待!



Hi everyone,

finally after many hours, days and month of searching we found a place near Tainan, about 30 minutes by bus from the train station, at Hutou Pi”

and as you can see we start already Friday evening with a great sound check party and we also want to encourage every one to make arrangements to stay over at the new venue, either in the hotel or on the camping ground that is available there.

The facilities are great for family, friends and everyone, as I said Hotel, camping ground, swimming pool,bout ride, and so much more. If you buy a pre sale ticket you will not be charged at the entrance of “Hutou Pi”

It located at Taiwan’s oldest water reservoir with the only electric boat in Taiwan!

We are very sorry about the increase of the ticket price but otherwise it would not have been possible.

Good news is, if this May Jam will be a success as I believe we will have in the future the National Park for May Jam! So we hope we all can make it to a great success.

As for the Bands all that will apply for this year for “May Jam” have indirectly / directly, a chance to be selected, to perform at the Masago Music Festival” in July. For more details please visit our website: mayjam.com



台南五月音樂季/Tainan mayjam

台南五月音樂季/Tainan mayjam

單位網站: http://www.mayjam.com

聯絡電話:(06)  5902080

行動電話: 0930-952973