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[一日遊] Second-hand cheap sofa purchase tips

As more and more young people are going out to work, most of them leave their children to their grandparents at home. The young couple go out to work. Since both of them go out, we are facing the problem of renting a house, renting a house. The first thing is to choose some furniture. Because we are renting a house, most people will choose second-hand furniture. Next, let me introduce you to the purchase of second-hand solid wood sofas. Skills and precautions.

Second-hand solid wood sofa
1. Five tips for buying second-hand solid wood sofas
1. Observe the pros and cons of wood. We can open the interior of the sofa and observe whether the wood of the sofa is dry and white, and whether the texture of the sofa is tight and delicate.
2. Observe whether the wood of the sofa is defective. The main stress-bearing parts of the sofa, such as the pillars and the load-bearing bars connecting the ground between the pillars, should not have large knots, cracks, or cracks. The entire sofa must have a firm structure, the frame must not be loose, and it is not allowed to break tenon and material. The parts of the artificial board used on the sofa should be edge-sealed, and all kinds of accessories must be installed with missing pieces, missing nails, or penetrating nails.
3. Observe the strength of the cheap sofas online board. The board emphasizes that you can press it with your fingers, and rely on the feeling to determine the fastness of the board. One side of the material must be fixed with a Tic-Tac-shaped solid frame. If the frame is sparse, you will feel empty and unreliable when you press the surface, and the panel will vibrate greatly; the paint film on the product surface is not allowed to wrinkle, stick or leak paint.
4. When we buy, we can also shake the solid wood sofa a little to see if its main structure is loose. If the frame of the sofa is loose, there will be a sound when it shakes.
5. Like buying a leather sofa, a good experiment in buying a solid wood cheap furniture uk is to sit on it, experience it, and feel how comfortable it is to sit on it. To see whether the overall backrest slope of the sofa is suitable for you, you can only know if you experience this. Then, you can shake your body while doing it to check the firmness of the sofa frame. The sofa frame with a solid structure will not make a sound as you shake your body. Generally, the whole sofa will move as a whole due to the force.

Second-hand solid wood sofa

2. Precautions for purchasing second-hand solid wood sofa
1. Whether the size is appropriate, whether you are buying a new or second-hand sofa, please measure the space you plan to put on the sofa before buying, and record it. In this way, when buying a sofa, you can choose a sofa suitable for your home according to the size of the space, so as to avoid the problem of not being placed after you buy it home.
2. Hygiene status. The most worrying thing about buying second-hand sofas is the hygienic status. Many second-hand sofas are piled up when they are recycled. Moldy and damp are very common. Pay attention to it when buying. It is recommended that you buy it and thoroughly disinfect it. Or refurbish.
3. Shop around to avoid being slaughtered. Second-hand sofas are often recycled at a low price and then sold at a high price. To avoid being slaughtered, you should shop around when choosing a second-hand sofa to understand the price quotation and see whether the merchant's price is reasonable.
4. The seam is not strict. Whether it is pasting wood veneer, PVC or pasting paint paper, pay attention to whether the leather is smoothly pasted, whether there are bulges, blisters, and loose seams. Generally, the corners of second-hand veneer sofas are easy to tilt up. You can buckle the corners with your hands when choosing.
I believe that after reading the above article in the editor, you will have a certain understanding of how to buy second-hand solid wood sofas. I hope we can refer to it when buying cheap beds online. It is not easy for us to go out. We must pay attention when choosing second-hand furniture. The precautions that the editor said for everyone, don't let us spend the money, if you feel that there is something that the editor has not introduced, please continue to pay attention to the decoration of the home Internet cafe.
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