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[健康] What are the taboos of buying furniture, these taboos can not be violated!

The sofa is the furniture used for resting, chatting and meeting guests in the living room. It plays a very important role in the living room. i recommend you to buy cheap furniture uk. Therefore, it also occupies a very important position in home feng shui. There are 7 requirements for the placement of the sofa in the living room on Feng Shui:

1. The number of sets is exquisite

If you buy
cheap sofas online be careful this point. The shape of the sofa is divided into single sofa, double sofa, long sofa and round sofa. In terms of materials, there are also leather sofas, cloth sofas, rattan sofas and traditional rosewood chairs. In terms of color and shape, There are even more tricks. The number of sofa sets in the living room is exquisite, and one and a half sets, or the combination of two kinds of sofas in a square and a circle are the most avoided.

2. The furnishings should be curved rather than straight

The important position of the sofa in the living room is like an important port of the country. It must be able to receive as much water as possible before it can thrive. A good port must have protruding bends on both sides, shaped like the letter "U" in English letters. The protruding bend is like holding around with two arms, and the central depression is the position of feng shui for receiving qi, which can trap wind and gather qi, so as to achieve prosperity and prosperity.

The furnishing of the sofa should also be like an advanced harbor, with an arm extended on each side. If the sofas are straight across in a row, it would be like a strong man with a broken arm, and nothing can be done. Although some ports lack an arm and cannot support left and right, as long as there is a bend in the place where the water goes to the water, it is called "Xiaguan Sand" in Feng Shui, and you can make a fortune. "What it says: "Kanyu is in a hurry for Shimonoseki, and he is always the one who makes a fortune."

If the sofa cannot be supported by arms on the left and right side due to environmental constraints, then you can set aside another sofa at the water level and make your own Xiaguan sand to welcome the water flowing in from the gate, forming a water gathering situation. Also in line with Feng Shui. The doors of some houses are diagonal to the doors of the balcony, so it is even more necessary to place sand at the water outlet to accommodate incoming water, so as to prevent the water flowing in from the door from leaking. For this reason, i buy cheap beds uk.

3. There should be a lean behind the sofa

The so-called backing, that is, backing, means that there is a solid wall behind the sofa that is reliable. If there are windows, doors or passages behind the sofa, it also means that there is no backing behind. From a psychological point of view, the back of the sofa is empty and lacks a sense of security. If there is indeed no solid wall behind the sofa, a more effective improvement method is to place a low cabinet or a screen behind the sofa. This is called an "artificial backing" and will also play a remedial effect.

However, it must be noted that there should be no water behind the sofa, so it is not good to put the fish tank behind the sofa. For the same reason, it is not good to put fish tanks and other water-filled decorations on the low cabinet behind the sofa. Of course, for a sofa with no backing behind, it would be beneficial and harmless to fill the space behind with evergreen plants.

4. There should not be a mirror behind the sofa

It is not advisable to have a large mirror behind the sofa. People sitting on the sofa can clearly see the back of the person’s head in the mirror. And if the mirror is not behind, it does not matter if the back of the head does not reflect from the mirror.

5. Avoid crossbeam pressure on sofa top

The bed has beams on the top, and only one or two people sleeping on the bed are injured. However, if there is a beam on the sofa, the hand will affect the family and the impact is very large, so it must be avoided as much as possible. If it is really unavoidable, you can place bamboos on the coffee tables on both sides of the sofa, and use bamboos that are constantly growing and rising step by step to resolve the pressure on the beams.

6. Do not hedge the sofa with the door

If the sofa is in a straight line with the door, Feng Shui will call it a "hedging", which has serious disadvantages. In this case, it is best to move the sofa away to avoid conflict with the door. If there is nowhere to move, then you have to place a screen between the two, so that the air flowing from the door into the house will not directly hit the sofa. If the sofa faces the door, there is no problem, and there is no need to put a screen to resolve it.

7. There should be no direct light on the top of the sofa

Sometimes the light in the sofa area is weak, and many people will place lighting on the top of the sofa, such as: downlights hidden on the ceiling, or spotlights exposed to the outside. Because they are too close to the sofa, the light will shine directly from the top of the head. In terms of design, direct light on the top of the sofa can make people nervous, dizzy, and restless. If the lamp is modified to shoot at the wall, it can be slightly alleviated.

Moving Taboo

1. Pay attention to the feng shui of the new house before moving
Usually we have to check the Feng Shui of the new house before moving. If we don't know the shape of Feng Shui in advance, we will move in directly. This will affect the wealth and health of the occupants.

Therefore, we must first pay attention to the basic feng shui principles of the new house, such as lighting, ventilation, and the surrounding environment. Secondly, look at how the Feng Shui inside the house is. Pay attention to the following Feng Shui taboos: Is the toilet in the middle? Open the door to see the toilet and stove, the toilet door faces the bedroom, and so on. According to the theory of Fengshui of Eight Houses and the direction of the door, observe the position of wealth, auspiciousness, and evil of this house. It should not be used as a study, bedroom, children's room, living room and other important places, but should be suitable as a kitchen, toilet, and utility room. The northwest is the position of the male host. If it is the northwest, the master bedroom should not be located in the northwest. Otherwise it will affect the fortune of the male owner. The southwest part belongs to the Kun hexagram, representing the mistress and old mother, so the parents' room and the master bedroom cannot be set in the Kun hexagram. The east is the position of shaking, representing the eldest son. If it is the position of fierceness, the children's room should not be set in the southwest.

2. You must choose auspicious days to move
If there is nothing wrong with the house's feng shui, then the next step is to choose a good day and move to a new house. Because when you move, you leave the original aura environment and enter a new environment. This environmental change will also have a huge impact on people. Then move at a suitable time that is beneficial to you. The change of aura leads to a good direction. Doing the right thing at the right time is in accordance with the laws of the day. According to the almanac, it is advisable to choose stagecoach day, triad day, ecliptic day, eclipse day and other times for moving. For example, the anniversary of death, the day of the underworld, the day of breaking, and the day of defeat in some folk customs are bad days, and it is not suitable to move. In addition, if it conflicts with the family's zodiac on this day, it is not appropriate to choose. The auspicious day for moving should be chosen based on the house owner's numerology, rather than simply looking up the almanac. Then, on the basis of choosing a day, choose a good day to determine the auspicious time for the move, and try to move the time before noon, because before noon is called yang, after noon it is called yin. Try to move during sunny hours.
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