
Hop!Skip!Jump!DDC為DOUBLE DUTCH CLUB的簡稱。色彩艷麗的圖案及富有動感的設計為DDC的品牌象徵,DDC倡導集休閒、旅遊為一體的生活方式,為年輕人的生活賦予鮮活的色彩。
Double Dutch是一項由荷蘭人(Dutch)在1928年代入到美國紐約的街頭跳繩運動。由兩個人各拉兩根跳繩(Double)快速扭轉甩動,其他參與者則穿梭在其中或做各種不同形式跳躍。隨著時代的發展,Doublt Dutch這項運動也逐步流行到美國的大街小巷。受到這個融合街舞律動的活動所激發的設計靈感,Double Dutch Club品牌因而誕生!

Double Dutch is a game of jump rope in which players jump over 2 ropes swung simultaneously. It was brought in to New York City b⋯⋯y the Dutch and soon became one of the most popular sports in urban cities of the United States. Inspired by the energy and rhythm of the game, a group of New York designers created a casual wear line for girls who are independent, active and fun loving.

Double Dutch Club is a NYC inspired brand that outfits the happy, healthy & optimistic girl for wherever she's headed. The DDC Girl is cute, quirky, cool, and a trendsetter among her friends. She loves to Hop Skip and JUMP!



DDC Double Dutch Club

DDC Double Dutch Club

單位網站: http://www.loveddc.com.tw