
音樂由聲音組成、聲音由物理震動而來。聲音和音樂從抽象和結構中找到規律,這是聲音和音樂好玩的地方。DigiLog 這個名稱衍伸自數位(Digital)、類比(Analog),我們專注在電腦音樂、合成器、聲音技術還有數位音樂等相關領域,無論是數位音樂或是類比合成器,DigiLog 期待讓每個人都能發掘聲音的不同面向。

最初 DigiLog 這個品牌由網站的形式成立於 2011 年,利用網路為平台,撰寫各式各樣的音樂科技及技術相關文章,和大家一起分享音樂、討論技術。2014 年在台北成立實體店面,除了販售合成器、音樂相關器材之外,更將網路和實體平台整合,讓網路上的音樂分享討論延伸到實體生活中,透過舉辦各種類型的講座、工作坊,讓所有喜愛聲音、音樂的朋友能夠有面對面的機會,並且觸發出更多的可能性。

DigiLog 帶你看見聲音的不同面向。




About DigiLog Heart

DigiLog is obsessed with computer music, synthesizers and audio signal processing. Our label “DigiLog” condenses “digital” and “analog”, as we are interested in both digital and analog music. We hope everyone visiting this place can find his/her favorite "Sound".

In 2011, we founded the website, a platform for discussing and sharing information on computer music. Later in 2014 we opened our first physical store in Taipei, Taiwan, offering synthesizers, MIDI controllers, audio Interfaces and professional audio equipment, as well as electronic music related courses and workshops. Digilog seeks to make connections among people who are passionate about sound and music. We look forward to seeing you at our Sound Playground!



DigiLog 聲響實驗室

DigiLog 聲響實驗室

單位網站: https://digilog.tw/