[時事閒聊] How to choose a trim line for a lawn mower?

First, you should double-check the manufacturer's recommendations for line shape and size by referring to your trimmer's instruction manual In order to choose the right trimmer line, the next thing you need to do is to evaluate what you think you will be using the trimmer for.

These are our recommended wire sizes for the following applications:

Simpler applications: 1.5 mm to 2.0 mm
Medium application: 2.15mm to 2.65mm
Heavier applications: 2.4mm to 3mm

We classify simple applications as fairly light jobs, such as mowing residential lawns and gardens that are mostly grass and some sparse weeds.

Moderate application favors larger lawn areas, reasonable commercial work, and denser weed patches.

Heavier applications include overgrown areas, dense grass, nettle flakes and other tough shrubs or growths.


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