[時事閒聊] Garden Tips for Choosing a Sculpture

choose sculpture
Choose what you like. Sculpture can elevate the villa courtyard design, but it is not required. Don't get addicted to trendy stuff.garden statues for sale, Sculpture can be contemporary, realistic, indigenous, traditional, personal or abstract. If you like it, do it.

stick to your style
The style of your home or garden will influence the sculpture you choose. For contemporary homes, abstract sculptures are perfect. For a traditional style villa patio design, you can choose a formal statue or an abstract artwork.

Size Notes
The size of the sculpture can make your villa patio design feel smaller or larger. The key is to master the ratio of the sculpture to the garden space.

add extra elements
Sculpture can introduce another element into the villa courtyard design in the form of a water feature. Lighting inside or on the sculpture can also enhance the garden.

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