[泰式/南洋] 杏仁膏

1. vinegar egg: take a fresh egg, wash dry,, add 500 ml of high-quality vinegar soak for a month. When the egg shell dissolved in vinegar, take a small spoon solution into a cup of boiled water, mix and take a cup a day. Long-term use vinegar egg liquid, can make smooth and delicate, remove all facial black spots.  There\'s excellent qualityt wholesale rates is available at online stores and they are with ceramic body and leak proof seal ! Different product series like pre-heat battery are also available now.
2. Honey protein film: a fresh egg, a piece of fresh eggs, honey, a tablespoon, the two mix evenly, before going to sleep with a clean soft brush to brush this film on the face during which can be carried out to stimulate the skin cells , Promote blood circulation. After a period of time to dry, wash with water twice a week is appropriate. This can also be diluted with water after rubbing hands, winter can prevent chapped.
3. almond paste: 90 grams of almond peeled peel as cream, mixed with egg white, mix thoroughly overnight, the next morning wash with rice water.
4. Snow film: three chicken immersed in liquor, sealed four or five days, used to paint the surface, can make the surface black and white, reduce wrinkles. However, allergic skin with caution.
5 egg yolk mask: mixed with egg white, or with egg yellow and mix thoroughly, coated for 15 minutes, the maintenance of neutral skin is particularly effective. Just insist on three months, your face will be a new look.
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6. eggshell soft film: cooking, the eggshell soft film affixed to the facial wrinkles and cheeks, chin area, let it dry and then peeled off, with a soft sponge wipe oily skin dead skin; if it is Dry skin, should be coated with vegetable oil and then wipe the dead skin, and finally washed.
Scrub: To remove facial dead skin, apply an egg and a teaspoonful of fine salt, with a towel dipped in the skin gently rubbed back and forth, as if the use of scrub in general. Get back beautiful, simple and quick.
8. Honey egg yolk mask: honey and flour with egg yolk transferred into a thick paste, evenly coated face, not only to rule, but also to prevent dry autumn and winter skins. If it is oily skin, should be added a spoonful of lemon juice mixed with a cotton swab applied to the face, 15-20 minutes after wash with warm water.
It turned out that we usually look ordinary things, it really is a wonderful coup freckle, vinegar and egg white liquid can remove facial spots, is the number of women think ah, beauty can now anytime, of course, eat more fruits and vegetables These are also possible Diet beauty!

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